Thursday, June 08, 2006

Being a Sick Wienie!

I am a sick wienie... I have the stomache flu - and when I am sick, I turn into this whinny, needy, wimp. All I want is someone to wait on me hand and foot, rub my feet and back and brush my hair. It is completely irrational, which sort of bugs me. When people have to leave to go to work, I just feel so alone.

And I have watched "Jersey Girl" twice today... that just says it all, doesn't it?

Daytime television really sucks!

And I feel bad about missing work - there are things to do and I should be there!

The other day my son said he would like to have a mom who is home all the time. That kind of thing sticks with you... I used to start feeling really guilty about that but lately I have really started liking my work. I feel like I am actually accomplishing something - actually having an effect and improving things. So maybe it is okay that I am not the kind of mom who stays at home.

One thought I have had is that I am still young - I could have another family at, say, 40 if Eric and I wanted - and then maybe I could be a different type of mom... but I also want to travel the world, so maybe this is my family experience. And, I am hoping to embark on a new phase of my career. That is okay, isn't it? I'm starting to think so.

Well - those are my random and unconnected thoughts as I sit at home with the stomach flu!


At 11:56 PM, Blogger Bonnie said...

OK I wasn't going to comment on this, but I was thinking about you a lot today for some reason! SO, you tell that boy of yours that he is so lucky to have a great mom who will work hard to help support the family so he can have video games and whatever else he has that he enjoys!! He's also lucky to have almost every living relative in his house! LOL I'd love for Ronan to be able to see his grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins more often! :)

My friend was telling me on Wed. that her son wanted an electric scooter or something and she explained that they have to give up some things so she can stay home with the kids (4 of them). He said he wished that she worked then and she was feeling badly. But later she was making some homemade bread and he came and told her he was glad she was home so she could make him yummy bread. So, there are 2 sides to every coin I guess.

You're doing a great job and I think it is great to love your job and love being a mom. :) And I'm curious to hear about your new phase of your career. :) Just giving you another blog topic for when you're feeling better. LOL Love bonnie

At 8:54 PM, Blogger Erica said...

Hi b,

Great to hear from you. I am a terrible friend... but I do think of you often. Especially everytime I clean up my desk at work and see the birthday card that I baught for you three years ago and have yet to send. I am now collecting a series of gifts that I have picked up for you over the years that I will, someday, send. The newest addition is a blue afghan I crotched for your baby, who will, very soon, no longer be a baby... So, I can chalk that up to being a bad friend on top of being a bad mother. Actually, I am starting to think I am a good mother and that kids are never really satisfied with anything... Part of my job is giving them a reality check that the world does not revolve around their every wish. At least that is what I am telling myself these days!

Love ya, b! I hope we can get together someday soon. I was telling someone the other day about how I came to visit you and you knew I was pregnant with Liam before I even knew it!

At 1:57 PM, Blogger Bonnie said...

Hey my dear! Thanks for your sweet note - and no you are not a bad friend. :) The fact that you thought of me means a lot! It would be so great to get together sometime too. Hope you have a great week. :)


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