Monday, May 01, 2006

Feeling Better

Well, I woke up this morning tired, but that heavy, sad feeling is gone. It is a mysterious thing... I've had it before - it just comes with no apparant reason, and then it is gone, just as mysteriously. That just may be life. There is a part of me that doesn't want to accept that - that wants to analyze and figure it out. But, when I do that I seem to get in deeper. So, maybe just having a down day is the way to go? I'll have to try that again next time and see if it is an effective way to deal with it.

On another note: I hate that sound... that sound somewhere between a clunk and a ting, that comes from the bottem of my car as my heal hits an empty can that has been roaming the car floor since who knows when. It grinds on my nerves, it is makes my teeth ache, it makes me angry... so I picked it up and threw it out. How many times have I just left it there to annoy me again?


At 7:48 PM, Blogger Kara said...

HI Erica,

we all do the things we should not do. And don't do the things we should. Having a down day is common for me too. Who would think that one could possibly have 'down-days' when you live in the south pacific? truth is, the reality of where I live is more grotto than garden, more sewer pond than ocean...then there are the few days a week where it all seems so do-able. Then I go outside and face the harsh reality. Sometimes life is just crap and difficult. sometimes, it isn't. Lots of people roam around pretending that life is grand. Travelling is just more of the same, only different venues. Same poop, different piles? Having been to a few places in my life, I still feel like I'm missing out on something that I was s'posed to do. Something fabulous, something wild. When I realize that I haven't attained that yet, I get sad about it. Are there ever answers or just more questions headed our way? Rest assuered y ou are not alone in your heart issues. I can relate sistah. Much Love and warm wishes from the stinky, smoky south pacific.

At 6:59 AM, Blogger Erica said...

Thanks Kara!

It's good to know I'm not the only one who feels like this sometimes!


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