Saturday, April 08, 2006

Ib amb snick!

I have been busy with work and travelling for the past few weeks... and for atleast the last two weeks I have been feeling on the verge of being sick. I start feeling sick and then usually have a concious thought, "I'm too busy to be sick right now." After that, I keep going until the first moment I feel like I have a moment when things aren't due, like, yesterday - then I get sick.

I don't know about you, but when I get sick, I get grouchy, whiny, whimpy and then feel guilty for being sick. I feel like I am letting everyone around me down. I suppose I should realize that the world will not fall apart without me - that people can go on without my presence for at least 2 or 3 days... (ha ha)

On the up side, I have gotten a few things done that I may not have if I hadn't been just sitting around all day. And I have gotten a chance to start reading a book for enjoyment (I was about to write pleasure - but then thought one might read to much into it... now I have written it, but leave the reader to only muse as to whether there is something to read into it, or if I am merely insane for writing this aside).

I suppose there is a more correct term for the above section then "aside" - I will leave that for RP or TL to correct for I know that brings them much pleasure.

On another note: E wrote a really good article today for tomorrow's bulletin. If you get a chance to drop by NWP Church of Christ, you should - and read the article. It is very touching. I told him so. He needs to reveal himself more in his writing and preaching - put his heart on his sleave - put himself out there.

I am ready to be well now - I have even had enough time to blog, so certainly it is time to be well and get back to my busy life. My consellor has given me strict instructions on how to slow down - like actually doing up my seatbelt before starting the car and driving out of the drive way.

Our car has been recently cleaned and looks pretty good, but started clinking, well actually clunking last week. I think it is is the CV joints, but the mechanic thinks otherwise. Hopefully it is mostly covered by warrantee.

We are digging ourselves out of a hole right now. I it easy to get into the hole, and usually kind of fun, but getting out is a lot of work. I wish I could just win the lottery - not millions, just enough to pay the bills, mortgage, go on a trip, etc.

The tamarac bird in our living room is very beautiful.

Eric is reading Star Wars to the kids - he is a good dad - always reading to the boys. He also volunteers with For the Love of Reading. What a good guy! Sometimes he amazes me.

Our room is a mess. That really drives me nuts. My solution is to ignore it and stay upstairs as much as possible. This seems to be working for me for the most part, except now, when I am sick... then I am stuck upstairs watching golf or baseball all day long. That is boring.

birds scare me

haaken's picture needs to be fixed.

sometimes i think someone is finally going to figure out that I don't know anything.

I think my medicine is starting to work. My coughing seems to be less violent.


At 11:35 PM, Blogger Heimdahl said...

sometimes i think someone is finally going to figure out that I don't know anything.

That is my abiding fear in life ...

One day I'll guess wrong and the answer will prove that I really don't have a clue - that I never did.

On the plus side so far I am a really good guesser!


At 2:17 PM, Blogger Erica said...



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