Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Something a little lighter

I've been tagged... Normally these types of things annoy me, but after the heaviness of the last blog, I am guessing that all y'all need a break - something a little easier to read!

How many books do I own?
Not including all the Accounting and professional texts I lug around and only my own personal books - probably about 100... If I were to include my husbands books, I'm sure the answer would be about 2,000 or more.

Last book I bought?
Personally - Either Hindenburg, Where the Heart Is or Timeline... I got them all last summer and I'm not sure in what order. I don't think I've purchased any for myself since then. I usually only get to read over the summer (except for work, which I don't count)

Last book I read?
Hindenburg - very facinating read. Spoke a lot about the set up to WWII, and especially interesting in context of world politics today...

5 Books that meant a lot to me? (off the top of my head)
1. Clan of the Cave Bear (and the following books in the series) - I drew a lot from Ayla's strength and her being "different", her fight against the status quo and to find her own way in the world. I also really enjoy the natural healing, surviving on the land type of knowledge
2. Wanderlust - I read it in junior high and it really clicked within me a passion for travel - to see new places, experience new cultures and discover something new. Again - there is strong female character who lives life on her terms - even though some of those terms are self-sacrificing. Yes - this is a Daniel Steele book...
3. Little House on the Prarie Series - read them when I was a girl - related to Laura... again a strong female character with a sense of adventure!
4. Daring to Dance with God - portrayed a different sense of worship then the somber "holy" sense that many assume is the only way to worship. The idea of life as a dance with God...
5. Bible - saved the best for last... Actually, I've tried to think of books that actually affected me (sad to think then that Wanderlust is on this list) - and the Bible has definitely affected me at various times in my life...

I've enjoyed many more books then these - and perhaps some that are more signficiant in their impact on society, but these had a particular impact on me. However, like T's top 10 movie list, I am sure there are others that I will recall 10 seconds after I publish this post.

So - that is it. I am choosing not to tag anyone else, but if you choose to answer these same questions on your blog, I will enjoy reading them.


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