Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Beautiful Day

It is a beautiful day... the weather is great... two meetings I thought I had for tonight have been postponed... so why am I inside blogging?

Actually, in a few moments we shall decent upon Marina Park for a picnic dinner and playing, enjoying the view, weather, etc... If only I could find someone else to join us.

I am also excited about vacation plans. It seems that we have finally finalized our summer plans, as well as booked a trip for next February! We are taking the boys to Disney World! Yaaa! I only hope that I can enjoy the rides. I am fearful that I won't fit within the weight restriction... That might seem silly, but honestly, I encountered that at West Ed Mall once.

Anyway, gotta go enjoy the sun!


At 10:51 AM, Blogger Bonnie said...

Hey girl,
Yay, I love fun vacation plans! We really enjoyed Disneyland when we went there 3 years ago, and as I share your common fear sometimes, I just wanted to let you know that at least in the California park, I was pleasantly surprised that the fitting issue was not an issue. :) It was just fine for every seat and belt, so I was glad for that and just wanted to reassure you! I would assume the same would be true in Florida - I hope so! I think February is a great time of year to go as well - the fewer lineups the better when you're paying that much for a day in a park. :) Are you planning to take in a marine park or movie studio type park as well? Your boys will love that trip I'm sure, and they're a great age for it I think.

I don't know if this will be as interesting to your family or not, but when I went to DW with those clients from Saskatoon, I LOVED Epcot with all the different cultural displays. Actually you might be even more interested that there are FREAKS out there about Disney vacationing and they even have maps planned out for people of how to get the most out of your time in the park. They made me laugh, but the accountant in you might enjoy them. :) I'm sure you could google them.

Hope your day is going well today - it's FRIDAY! :)

At 10:00 AM, Blogger Erica said...

Yes - it's Friday - only a week from when you posted the comment - and I'm finally responding...

What a week!

Yes - we'll do Disney, likely a few other attractions. I'd really like to go to Cape Canavile and 'hopefully' see a launch. If not, just seeing the rockets and everything would be cool. I really want to make it into outer space some day.

I'd also like to take a drive down the coast and through the Keys. We'll see. We are going with friends so we need to do some group planning. But - we'll be there for 10 days, so we have some time!

Are you coming to the Multi-year reunion? It looks like a lot of fun!


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