Thursday, May 19, 2005

What is in a Name?

You may have noticed, I have added a subtitle... I found out yesterday that the term Wanderlust has some unfortunate and unintended connotations to it...

I thought about a new name, but "I like to Travel" just seemed, well, lacking.

So, I stand by my original name, but with an explanation in hopes of relinquishing my sweet and innocent reputation! ;-)

Speaking of wandering - I'm wandering north-west this weekend to visit my family. My little sis is expecting and I am very excited to see her with a belly. All my life I have worked to lose weight while she has worked to gain it! So, you can understand my glee!

Also, on the topic of names - we are working on a vision statement... and I find it very interesting that we seem to have a shared vision, but are unable to come up with words to appropriately describe it! Words have so many meanings, some unintended, some misunderstood...

If only we could just do a volcan mind-meld to share the concept - words seem inadequate! Such a poor form of communication (says the lady who blogs)...


At 1:23 PM, Blogger reppepper said...

Vision Statement:

"Connecting living people to the Power Centre (of which we don't speak)."

At 3:13 PM, Blogger Erica said...

I would prefer Future Shop - they give out Aeroplan points.

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Eric said...

Ideas not related to fuutre shop or The Power Centre...

A rest from the storms of life, a place to rebuild out of the wind, home.

"We're on a first name basis here."

At 11:28 PM, Blogger Eric said...

What's wrong with the beer?

I guess it could be wine/vinegar if we let the grape juice get too old.

At 11:53 AM, Blogger reppepper said...

I thought it was the yeast that was wrong with beer, Eric.

At 3:07 AM, Blogger Eric said...

Yeah, there is always that allergy stuff to be thinking about for me, but not for the rest of you. I try not to "lord my weaker brotherness over" the rest of you.


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