Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Up & Down...

Last night at TOPS I was up (in weight) - which made me down (in mood)... Today I am up (in mood, and probably weight as well) and feeling a renewed sense that I can get healthy. I energetically awoke for my morning walk - to find it pouring rain. I considered a trip to the gym, but realized that would make it difficult for E to complete his morning activities. In the end I resolved to bring my runners to work to walk at lunch. That didn't happen, but I see it is less rainy out, so perhaps I'll make it for a walk this evening!

Re: the weight thing - I'm actually back up to where I was 1 year ago. This seems unusual since I am fitting clothes differently and am much more energetic. So, after some wallowing last night, I have decided that the scale is lying to me and to press on for another week. However, I may have to reevaluate if things don't change in the next month. I've been about the same (up and down 3 lbs from week to week) for about 6 months now... which makes me think that something needs to be done. The more recent gains (2 weeks in a row totaling 7.5 lbs) is more perplexing... So, we'll see what happens this week - still trying to temper this with a sense that the scale doesn't tell the whole picture. It is a part of the picture, though, and a very easy one to read - so I don't want to fool myself by ignoring it completely.


At 8:24 PM, Blogger Eric said...

Kill the scale.

At 5:41 AM, Blogger TU said...

Unlike most pop dieting sources, I actually like the scale. I like keeping track of my progress. Unfortunately, it's not the most accurate thing all the time and being too dependent on it to let you know how you are doing isn't good.

Anyway, in the words of Rob Schneider, "You can do it!"

At 2:06 PM, Blogger Erica said...

Thanks tu... I think I can, I think I can, I think I can...


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