Sunday, May 15, 2005

Coffee House - Untitled

Tonight was coffee house. I really like our coffee houses, hearing others perform and share either their original work, or pieces that mean a lot to them.

I also really like performing...

I also really hate performing!

I get so nervous. I really like sharing and I have always loved singing. It is so great to be able to do that for people and have them appreciate it.

The problem is whether or not they appreciate it.

After coffeehouse, I seem to have a down - like I've gotten myself all hyped up to share - and enjoyed it (even when I mess up every song I sing/play like tonight), then hit an emotional low.

I wonder - did people really like it, or were they just being polite. Are people getting tired of me - of my sappy songs. And it is scary sharing something I've written... What will people think or wonder about me?

I also sort of feel like I've hit a wall - a plateau. Tonight was NOT one of my better performances... and I need to get over using the music. I have almost all my pieces committed to memory - but the words on the music stand are like a security blanket.

So, I guess I need to make a leap...

Or maybe next time I'll share a Drummond poem.


At 4:20 PM, Blogger Erica said...

To drogidy - thanks for the chuckle... but Wanderlust is a reference to a desire to travel, to wander... Specifically a reference to a Daniel Steele book in which I found my one true love! Sorry - I don't think any picture of me would qualify as "saucy"... Thanks for the idea though... hmmm!

for Tim - thanks for the encouragement. I always appreciate your comments because I believe they are both insightful and authentic. I don't think you'd say something just to be nice! So - thanks!

At 9:56 PM, Blogger Eric said...

I've been waiting to see one of those pictures of you too, but not online.

At 10:41 AM, Blogger Erica said...

No response.

At 11:23 AM, Blogger Eric said...

That's normal

At 7:03 PM, Blogger Erica said...

You seem to know a lot of details for someone who claims to not have been there!

Good luck in counseling...


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