Saturday, June 24, 2006

Getting Healthy - Revisited

I reviewed some of my earlier blogs and re-lived my efforts of a year ago (and prior to that) to continue on a path to health. In looking over the past year, I realize that I was probably on a good path in late 2004, early 2005... then in focusing on the scale, I started really cutting back again and stressing over what those numbers said. I lost focus on what I was really going for - being healthy.

Last summer I crashed, I just couldn't do it anymore. I hit a big low and my doctor prescribed anti-depression medication. I couldn't "make" myself do anything... I was in a really bad place.

I was referred to the Eating Disorder Clinic, where I started this January. The focus of this group is health - in a wholistic way - emotional, spiritual as well as physical. I have found it to be extremely helpful! I have also had the opportunity to deal with some personal and emotional baggage that I have been carrying around - and just let it go!

In some ways I feel like I am starting all over again. I haven't stepped on a scale in almost a year, but I am sure I am as heavy as I have ever been. On the other hand, I am emotionally a lot more healthy then I was a year ago. I have a lot more acceptance for myself and a more realistic outlook for where I can go with my health.

I appreciate the prayers and encouragement many of you (friends and family) have given me. I really couldn't do it without you!


At 8:44 PM, Blogger Bonnie said...

I find your honesty refreshing, and I am glad you are making steps toward health! Thanks for sharing your journey...
love bon


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