Sunday, May 21, 2006

40 Years of NWPCofC

This weekend was our church's celebration of having a building in Thunder Bay for 40 years. The weekend was a good one - and even though I thought this was an opportunity for those who have been here for much longer to see old friends, I had the opportunity to reconnect with a few folks who we haven't seen in awhile.

Celebrating the past while looking to the future! It is something the Isrealites did after 40 years of wilderness and just before going into the promised land.

So, are we facing our "promised land"? Are we ready to cross the Jordan, walk around the walls of Jerico, blow our trumpets and take the land? Are we ready to take a leap of faith and follow God into battle?

We are here because we felt called to be here. We were and continue to be sure that God has a purpose for us here - that there is a plan for us here - a plan to prosper - not to harm! Well, I hope that is the plan... Sometimes I wonder - have we helped? or have we done harm? What is ahead?

Perhaps, like Mimlaps talk this morning - we don't know what lies ahead, but we can be confident in knowing that God walks with us and looks over us!

Friday, May 19, 2006

To Pee or not to Pee...

I was driving home from Upsala on Wednesday. As I entered town, I had a need to visit the ladies room... However, since I was just about home and didn't want to waste any time, I held on (I was going to say pressed on, but the word "held" seems so much more appropriate). However, in order to make it home, I had to gas up the vehicle, drop it off at the rental place, pick up my car and get home... I wonder what the person at the gas station thought as I stood there, pumping gas with my legs crossed, rocking back and forth. I am sure to have caused quite a laughed as I penguin waddled from the rental car on the west side of Enterprize to my own car on the east side...

In the end, I ran in to the house, slamming the door into Eric's back, dropping everything, including keys and articles of clothing, as I ran down the stairs to the washroom. That was quite a reunion home. I'm sure I made an impression on my family.

I think I'll stop to pee next time!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Feeling Better

Well, I woke up this morning tired, but that heavy, sad feeling is gone. It is a mysterious thing... I've had it before - it just comes with no apparant reason, and then it is gone, just as mysteriously. That just may be life. There is a part of me that doesn't want to accept that - that wants to analyze and figure it out. But, when I do that I seem to get in deeper. So, maybe just having a down day is the way to go? I'll have to try that again next time and see if it is an effective way to deal with it.

On another note: I hate that sound... that sound somewhere between a clunk and a ting, that comes from the bottem of my car as my heal hits an empty can that has been roaming the car floor since who knows when. It grinds on my nerves, it is makes my teeth ache, it makes me angry... so I picked it up and threw it out. How many times have I just left it there to annoy me again?