Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Acai Berry Day 1

As September 1 is my articially appointed start to my Acai Berry adventure, I promptly forgot all about it until mid-morning as I was working through payroll reconciliations. Now, why payroll reconciliations would remind me of my little adventure is beyond me. Perhaps I thought it would be significantly more exciting... hmm...

Now, please understand, today was also the first day of school. So perhaps I could pleed that the additional stress involved in getting them up and out the door caused me to forget. However, as my husband actually has primary responsibility for that task, I really have no plausible excuse.

So I took them tonight and will see what happens.

I can tell you that, since I decided to take the pills, I thought I should at least check out the alternatives to the "free" sample that would cost about $150 a bottle per 1 month supply after the inital "free" one. Well, at the local health food store (and this is in Kenora, so there is only one), there is a reasonable selection of Acai Berry stuff, including pills that have the same Acai berry content. This bottle costs about $50 for a 3 month supply. Hmm.. They also have Acai Berry Tea and Acai Berry juice. I purchased all of them for further experimentation. This should be fun. I'm hoping it's not explosive though! I did have a very interesting experience with a bucket of strawberries once. Did you know that strawberries are a natural laxitive? Well, now you do!

Stay tuned. We'll see what happens tonight. If I die from Acai Berry pills, please note that my parents have a copy of my will...



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