What is Health?
In my search for health and well-being, I have gotten into the eating disorder clinic at St. Joe's. As part of the introductory testing, I was asked a question. Without using a number, what does it mean to you to be healthy. My answer - I don't know how to define health without numbers.
Isn't that what our society is about. Health is defined in terms of weight or size. If you are a 9, you are healthy. If you are a 14 or 16 or (gasp) a 22... Well you are not.
I wonder, can one be healthy without being a size 9?
Can one be unheathly and be a size 9 (or whatever that number is for you).
Looking back to highschool, I think, perhaps, I was healthy... I could play the sports I wanted to, I could run the hike into Cameron Falls, I didn't have many activities that I couldn't do or limitations... I certainly wasn't an olympic athlete, but I could do what I wanted. And I didn't fit into the numbers that I thought meant I was healthy. At the time, I thought I was grossly overweight... And by classical definitions, I was (according to the body mass index).
So, what does it mean to be healthy?
Can I ever get to a point where I can accept my own health and feel good about who I am?
Can I ever get to the point where all my good points... my strengths are not negated in my own mind by my excess poundage?
I'm not sure. We'll see!