Thursday, November 17, 2005


Notice how much baggage comes with that word. What if I had titled this blog obsessing, or stressing out. Would it have been as provocative? Interesting how certain words pack a bigger punch then others. (like Wanderlust?)

So - does anyone out there have a quick fix solution to stop obsessing about things. It seems like the more you try not to think about something - the more you do. For instance, if I want a brownie and try to not think about it, it seems like I only think about it more... Or if an arguement doesn't go your way, you keep thinking about all the arguements you should have made or things you wanted to say but didn't... Or that job you wanted, but didn't get and keep going over your answers and thinking about what your answers should have been... Or what you should have said to that special someone... Obsessing... Obsession!

I suppose a certain amount of obsessing is helpful - only now we call it "reflective practice". Rethinking a situation, reviewing what was done and what should have been done is part of learning, part of getting better, part of doing better next time. But at some point you just have to move on.


Then sometimes, you think you have moved on - you have stopped obsessing and then you hear something or read something and it starts back up again... is that because the issue is still unresolved. Or because there are demons who like to drive us insane?

So - here I sit - obsessing about obsession... Also rocking back and forth, sucking my thumb, humming the smurf theme song... la la lala lala laa lala lalaa...


At 1:29 PM, Blogger mimlap said...

I don't know but if you ever find a solution let me know...usually one obession is replaced by another.

At 3:29 PM, Blogger Erica said...

Ya - but why can't I be obsessed about, say, exercize... or learning?... huh?


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