Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Devotional Time & Reading

I've been trying to do regular devotional time in the morning. When I've done this before, I've found it to be a positive way to start the day and it helps with my general mood. I've also been reading a book on finding your "fitness instinct". Basically finding out what it is that you really want to do (physically) and then doing it. The premise is sort of - your body really knows what is good for it so listen to it and trust it... "Making" yourself do something all the time generates negativity towards it and is ultimately unproductive... I sort of agree with much of it, but I also think that you need to push yourself at times. Most of the time, I would rather sit on my butt, even if I know that if I get up and do something I'll feel better. So - I'm not sure where that line is - between a healthy amount of self pushing and an unhealthy amount. I guess I'll keep reading and see what else it says.

So, that is all I have to say about that for now.


At 9:45 PM, Blogger Erica said...

Ya - cheese cake and cheesy movies do it for me!

But I'm hoping to get in touch with my inner athlete...


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