Friday, August 12, 2005


I'm sorta having trouble being motivated to get healthy lately. There just seems to be so many things in my life that need help and I feel overwhelmed by it all - so the first thing to go out the window is the effort to try to be healthy.

I feel like nothing is going well for me right now. I don't like my job and I don't feel like I'm doing a good job. My house feels out of control. I don't have the energy to be a great mom. I don't feel like we have a good handle on our budget and finances. I just feel like even when I try there is just too much to do or fix - and I am having trouble feeling motivated to try.

So - I'm hoping that we can get some things done this weekend. Maybe getting some tasks done will help - but right now I am vegging on the couch watch What Not to Wear...


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