Saturday, January 06, 2007

Random Thoughts

We have been in Thunder Bay, visiting family and friends this week... It has been a good, relaxing week and we have been enjoying catching up with people here, and test driving a few vehicles as we being our period of research into whether or not we need to purchase a new car/van/SUV... The 626 only took us 2 years to research and make a decision on...

As Kristian came up to me, reached his arms upward and I picked him up, I wondered - why does the love of a baby or child provoke such feelings in us. They can't do anything for us. They can't give us anything. They can't make our lives easier - in fact they are very demanding, dependent and seem to take, take, take. And yet they provoke such a love in us. Perhaps all my marriage courses on love = what you get from the other person are mistaken? (Don't tell Eric...)

We tried something new this week. The boys were fighting over what we were going to do. I tried to explain that we had a lot of time... so we came up with a plan. We wrote down a list of all the things we would like to do (or in some cases - need to do) this week. As we have had a chance to do things, we have stroked the item off the list. Today is our last full day - and my youngest had to make a decision - tobogganing, or accepting an invite to a friends' house... I am hoping that, when we review the list and see everything we have done it will help them not focus on how "bad" the week was because of one thing they didn't get done - we'll see. I may have outsmarted myself on this one.

I purchased my long awaited camera this week. It is still in the box, as I have been feeling guilty over the extravagance of the purchase... Yesterday, I found the same package I purchased on line for $25 less - so today, I am making a trip to FutureShop to test their lowest price guarantee...

So - those are some random thoughts from this week.

Happy New Year!


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